Sunday, October 14, 2012

Is There a (Grammar) Doctor in the House, Part II?

Well, the first post regarding strange signage was regarding beauty shops only.  And I had plenty of crazy examples to make a whole post.  The same now applies to this follow-up post since I've got more than enough examples.  This time I will focus on businesses and their unique names.  Occasionally, it is the spelling that makes it funny; often, it is the "What does this name have to do with that type of business?" or the "What were they thinking of?" that makes it interesting. See for yourself!


So, if you've been thinking of a new career, perhaps you could come to Japan and offer your services as an advertising agent!  Heaven knows, you could become a millionaire!

1 comment:

  1. haha. i love seeing your reflection in the pictures. but those are all excellent. good work grammar police sister galbraith!
